
Showing posts from July, 2022

The Secret to Generating Infinite Amounts of Creativity (+3,394,192 XP!!!)

Creativity is an abundant resource. “Opportunities” are abundant. But you don’t recognize them. If you want to cultivate creativity for the rest of your life and develop a ritual to spark your brain up, you need to read this post. Granted, not all creativities are the same. If you’re a business owner and looking to generate ideas for the stock market, it would be a great idea to instead start writing down 10 ideas a day (new post coming out soon about that) instead of doing The Secret. Photo by Burak The Weekender: However, if you’re looking for an opportunity to add some joy in your life and become more creative just generally, it would be a FANTASTIC idea to try this! With all that out of the way, let’s stop wasting time and look at how you can become a more creative person: Write Fiction- Creativity, Purpose, and Happiness On this blog I often talk about the benefits of nonfiction and how amazing it is, but there’s just

Are you losing by making these 2 MISTAKES when reading nonfiction?

“We all make mistakes”. Yeah, we do, but, as the nature of mistakes are, they can cost you. Photo by Mikhail Nilov: If you’re making these mistakes when reading nonfiction, you’re really losing. If you’re looking to waste a lot of your time and keep making terrible mistakes, don’t read this post. If you’re ready to start respecting your time, scroll down and begin reading. Mistake/ Lesson #1- A General Understanding is TRASH! If you’re reading nonfiction, amazing job- you’re going to be learning a LOT of things when you’re reading. However, there is a great chance that you won’t remember most of what you read. One of my philosophies is to not focus too much on the exact methods and tactics offered by books but instead try to grasp a general knowledge of a subject. However, I’ll admit something: This philosophy is wrong. (And so are the methods I used for writing my short stories) If you’re looking to make fast progress in a

How to maximize your reading speed- Slow reading vs. Fast reading

There are 3 types of readers:  Slow readers,  fast readers, and  fast readers who read slow. Let’s start off with that first type: Slow readers. Most inherently slow readers are dissatisfied with their reading because they can’t read at much in the same time as fast readers. While a fast reader can read a book in 4 hours , the slow reader takes 12 hours for the same book. Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko: Therefore, the slow reader ends up reading a total of less books- when the books are reduced down to numbers, the fast reader reads a book a week and the slow reader reads a book every 3 weeks. In my opinion , slow readers should learn to read fast. They don’t always have to read fast- if they’re reading for pleasure, it’s okay to slow down, but learn to read fast. You need to have the skill. An argument will be made that, “Speed-reading has less memory retention!” Fine, yes it might have less memory retention. But y

4.4 of the BEST Ways to Incorporate a Summer Reading Challenge.

First off, I know you're going to say something along the lines of, "Oh yeah, those summer reading challenges that I used to do back in 1st-grade. It was nice but there's no way I'd read books according to some challenge now." Well, why not? You've probably got a TBR list overflowing so why not get through some of the books on there ( or you could manage your TBR list )? I know we both cheated on those reading challenges (if you didn't, props to you)- my school gave us popsicles if we did it. And this summer reading challenge won't require you to fill out a form and make your own goal using text, you can just decide how much you want to read based on how much you want to read, not some goal you have to meet if you want a popsicle. So how are we going to structure this "reading challenge"? Photo by Anna Pou : I've never created one of these before so I don't